Nature – paintings, drawings, ceramics, mixed media: 2016 – 2020 Steenuil X / Little owl X (2020) acrylic, soft pastel, oil pastel, collage on board, 26,5 x 34 cm Steenuil IX / Little owl IX (2020) acrylic, oil pastel on paper, 38 x 32 cm Steenuil VIII / Little owl VIII (2019) acrylic, oil pastel on cardboard, collage, oil on frame, 38 x 32 cm Ransuil IV / Long-eared owl IV (2020) siberain chalk, soft pastel, on paper, 30 x 42 cm Fuut VI / Great Crested Grebe VI (2020)coloured pencil on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm Boomklever II / Eurasian nuthatch II Grote bonte specht X / Great Spotted Woodpecker X (2020) graphite and colored pencil, on paper, 21 x 14,8 cm each Merel IV / Blackbird IV Boomkruiper V / Short-toed Treecreeper V (2020) graphite and colored pencil, on paper, 21 x 14,8 cm each Groene specht VII / European Green Woodpecker VII (2019) coloured pencil, ballpoint on paper, oil on frame, 19 x 14 cm Distelvink VII / European Goldfinch VII (2019) crayon, ballpoint, acryl on paper, oil on frame, 12 x 17 cm Goudhaan IV / Goldcrest IV (2019) crayon, ballpoint, acryl on paper, oil on frame, 13 x 15 cm Fluiter II / Wood Warbler II (2019)coloured pencil, ball pen, embroidery floss, collage on paper, oil on frame, 17 x 22 cm Futen V / Great Crested Grebes V (2019)coloured pencil, ball pen, acrylic on paper, oil on frame, 43 x 53 cm Ransuil I / Long-eared Owl I (2019)collage, oil pastel, oil on frame, 64 x 84 cm Venus of Willendorf, Hohle Fels, Galgenbereg, Dolní Věstonice, Lespugue (2019)graphite pencil on paper, acrylic on wood 21 x 30 cm (vijfluik/pentaptych) Venus of Hohle Fels (2019)graphite pencil on paper, acrylic on wood 21 x 30 cm (from a series of 5) Wilde eend III, IV, V / Mallard III, IV, V (2018) graphite pencil on paper, oil on frame 30 x 25 cm each (triptych) Wilde eend V / Mallard V(2018)graphite pencil on paper, oil on frame 30 x 25 cm (right piece of a triptych) Steenuil VI / Little Owl VI (2019)oil on canvas and frame, 38 x 43 cm Steenuil VII / Little Owl VII (2019)oil on canvas and frame, 37 x 47 cm Boomkruiper IV / Short-toed Treecreeper IV (2019)ceramic, 16 x 22 x 4 cm Gaai V / Jay V (2019)ceramic, 25 x 13 x 4 cm Distelvink V / European Goldfinch V (2019)ceramic, 12 x 14 x 4 cm Kuifmees IV / Crested tit IV (2019)ceramic, ca. 12 x 14 x 4 cm Eendenkuiken I / Duckling I (2019) oil on board and frame 19 x 25 cm Ekster III / Magpie III – Kauw I / Jackdaw I (2018) oil on paper on wood, 2x: 21 x 14,8 cm, depicted location: Westerpark Roodborst VI / Robin VI (2018)oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm Alcedo atthis X (2018)oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm Vuurgoudhaan III / Common Firecrest III (2018)oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm Staartmezen I / Long-tailed Tits I (2018)oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm Grote gele kwikstaart I / Grey Wagtail I (2018)oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm Bosuil I / Tawny Owl I (2018) oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm Ransuil II / Long-eared Owl II (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 43 x 53 cm Steenuil V / Little Owl V (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 43 x 53 cm Fuut IV / Great Crested Grebe IV (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 43 x 53 cm Kuifmees III / Crested Tit III (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 43 x 53 cm Coots Nest / Fulica atra (2018)Oil on cancas board and frame, tin can, plastic, 29 x 35 cm Grote bonte specht VIII / Great Spotted Woodpecker VIII (2018)color pencil, ballpoint on paper, oil on frame, 27 x 17 cm Vink IV / Common Chaffinch IV (2018)color pencil, ballpoint on paper, oil on frame, 17,6 x 21,5 cm Roodborst VII / Robin VII (2018)color pencil, ballpoint on paper, oil on frame, 14 x 18,5 cm Roodborst V / Robin V (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 43 x 53 cm Winterkoning II en III / Wren II and III (2018)diptych: oil on canvas and frame, 30 x 30 cm each Futen / Grebes (2018)triptych: oil on canvas and frame, 30 x 88 cm Knobbelzwaan II / Mute Swan II (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 70 x 90 cm diptych: Woodpecker Hole I, Woodpecker Hole II (2018)pencil on paper, 41,3 x 29,5 cm each Multiversum I, Asio otus (2017)mixed media, collage, acrylics, oil pastel on paper, 150 x 150 cm Kingfisher@Ninglinspo (2017)oil on canvas, acrylics on carpet, 140 x 165 x 230 cm Triptiek met uilen / Triptych With Owls (2017),framed collages soft pastel, drawing compressed charcoal, 250 x 200 cm Kerkuil / Barn Owl (2017)oil painting, drawing compressed charcoal, 170 x 125 cm Triptiek met spechten / Triptych With Woodpeckers (2017)oil pantings, drawing compressed charcoal, 160 x 160 cm Kerkuilen / Barn Owls (2017)oil pantings, drawing compressed charcoal, 150 x 170 cm Steenuil / Little Owl (2017)collage oil pastel, drawing compressed charcoal, 100 x 250 cm Boomkruiper II / Short-toed Treecreeper II (2017)oil and ballpoint on paper, oil on frame, 14 x 19 cm Grote bonte specht VI / Great Spotted Woodpecker VI (2017)soft pastel on paper, oil on frame, 32 x 38 cm Steenuil I / Little Owl I (2016)oil pastel, collage, glitter, leafs, oil on frame, 52 x 63 cm Sneeuwuil I / Snowy Owl I (2016)acrylic, oil pastel, collage, oil on frame, 61 x 81 cm Ransuil I / Long-eared Owl I (2016)oil pastel, collage, oil on frame, 64 x 84 cm Kerkuil XII / Barn Owl XII (2016)collage, soft pastel, oil pastel, oil on frame, 47 x 57 cm Kerkuil V / Barn Owl V (2017)oil on board and frame, 26 x 23 cm Kerkuil VII / Barn Owl VII (2016)oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm Kerkuil VI / Barn Owl VI (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 53 x 53 cm Kerkuil II / Barn Owl II (2018)oil on canvas and frame, 43 x 53 cm Putter IV / European Goldfinch IV (2016)oil on panel and frame, 23 x 19 cm Alcedo atthis IX / Kingfisher IX (2016)oil pastel on paper, oil on frame, 40 x 50 cm Alcedo atthis V (2017)oil on canvas and frame, 27 x 34 cm Alcedo atthis VI (2016)oil on canvas, 140 x 165 cm Alcedo atthis VII (2016)oil on canvas, 80 x 40 cm Alcedo atthis VIII (2016)mixed media, oil on plastic and ceramic, 42 x 17 x 11 cm Groene specht V / European Green Woodpecker V (2016)ceramic, 30 x 20 x 7 cm Grote bonte specht VIII / Great Spotted Woodpecker VIII (2016)ceramic, 30 x 18 x 12 cm Roodborst VI / Robin VI (2016)ceramic, 26 x 15 x 5 cm Gaai IV / Jay IV (2016)ceramic, 27 x 23 x 9 cmFor more works: see Archive works