Dutch Realism: paintings and installations 1991 – 1995

Het sneeuwt edelweisjes, maar wie wil er met me trouwen? / It’s snowing flowers but who wants to marry me? (1991)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, Frontièra 92, Bolzano (I), galerie Witzenhausen/Meijerink
Heidi und Peter im Schnee/Heidi and Peter in the snow (1991)
oil on canvas, 115 x 125 cm, Frontièra ’92, Bolzano (I)
Bringing memories back to where they came from (1992)
oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm, Frontièra ’92, Bolzano (I)
The Love Boat (1992)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, painting nr. 1 of 4 of a Love Story
Rendez-vous aan de Amstel/ Rendez-vous at the Amstel (1992)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, painting nr. 3 of 4 of a Love Story
De aanslag op WA / The assault on WA (1992) 115 x 125 cm,
oil on canvas, an assault omn the Dutch crown prince, collection Peter Plasman
Don Quichot (1992) oil on canvas, 115 x 125 cm,
Dutch Crown Prince as Don Quichot, Galerie Stelling, Leiden, postcard Art Unlimited/Boomerang
Love declaration (1992)
oil on canvas 35 x 45 cm, Self-portrait with the Dutch crown prince
Dutch painter (1992), 115 x 125 cm,
oil on canvas, Frontièra 92, Bolzano (I), depicted location: Mill at Ouderkerk (NL)
Dutch Mills V (1992)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, one of the series of 34 Dutch Mills paintings
Dutch Mills VII (1992)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, one of the series of 34 Dutch Mills paintings
Dutch Mills XIX (1993)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, one of the series of 34 Dutch Mills paintings
Snow landscape (1993)
oil on canvas, 115 x 125 cm
Waiting for the prince of your dreams (1993)
oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm.
Hebban olla uogola nestas bigunnan hinase hic enda thu (1993) installation, Contrapunt Zomerdepressie, Galerie Stelling. First written Dutch sentence at the end of the 11th century, married couples in bird-cages in an aviary in a park in Leiden, the Netherlands
Artist painting double in studio 1994)
mixed media (plaster)
Living Statue (1994) installation with plaster statue, during festival `Vijf stegen bestoven` in Delft, the Netherlands (earning fl 76,10 for not moving at all)
Oui, oui, allons au paradis (1994)
oil on canvas, 25 x 25 cm. One of the 25 happy-in-love-paintings (series finished in 1997)
You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs before you’ll find your prince (1994)
oil on canvas, 115 x 125 cm., self-portrait
La mariée est trop belle / Too much of a good thing (1994)
oil on canvas, 115 x 125 cm., self-portrait
Self portrait painted after a painting of Albrecht Durere
Self porttrait (1994) oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm.
Self-portrait after a painting of Albrecht Dürer (portret van Elsbeth Tucher, 1499)
Mariage d´amour (1995) oil on canvas, 115 x 125 cm,
self-portrait with the Dutch crown prince, frontpage Volkskrant 6-6-1996
Dutch Crown Prince kissing Snowwhite, Prins Willem-Alexander bij kist van Sneeuwwitje
Snowwhite (1995) oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, one of 6 paintings with the Dutch crown prince and Snowwhite, Torch gallery, Art Amsterdam, the Netherlands
painting of Dutch crown prince as Superman, Prins Willem-Alexander als Superman
Superman (1995) oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm,
Dutch crown prince as Superman, Torch gallery, Art Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Artist with money (1995)
mixed media, plaster, self-portrait, Torch Gallery, Art Amsterdam, the Netherlands

For more works: see Archive works

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